
Woman clutching heart

Discover The Common Non-Reproductive Health Concerns in Women

Since 1995, women have come a long way. Over the years, women have achieved many things, and we should celebrate those achievements. However, women’s health is still a field that needs work. Over twenty years have passed since countries signed pledges to take women’s health seriously, but women still face many health problems that must be addressed.

Common Non-Reproductive Health Concerns in Women

Most physicians focus on reproductive health in female patients. While that is a concern, many other illnesses and conditions unrelated to their reproductive system affect women. But what are those conditions? And what can physicians do to treat these conditions?

  • Cancer: Breast and cervical cancer are the most prevalent cancer women face. Detecting these cancers is vital to keeping women alive and healthy. Half a million women die while fighting cervical cancer annually. Low and middle-income countries don’t have the same kind of detection and treatments that the United States has, and that’s where most of these deaths occur. Many countries also lack the HPV vaccination needed to innoculate women against the leading cause of cervical cancer.
  • HIV: AIDS has been an epidemic for over three decades. Young women face HIV infections more often than most. Too many women struggle to protect themselves against the transmission of HIV and can’t get the treatment they need. Lack of HIV treatment also leaves them vulnerable to tuberculosis, one of the leading causes of death in low-income countries. Women 20-59 in these countries are at higher risk of tuberculosis-related death than in other countries.
  • Sexually transmitted disease: Protecting against HIV is essential, but it’s also essential to prevent and treat other sexually transmitted diseases. Gonorrhea, syphilis, and chlamydia are other threats that many women face. Untreated syphilis causes over 200,000 stillbirths and early infant death annually. 
  • Violence: Violence is a threat to everyone, regardless of gender. But women are often subjected to physical and sexual violence. Roughly 30% of women have experienced some form of violence by a partner. This violence can affect a woman’s mental and overall health. Health workers must be alert to violence against female patients to prevent it and offer support to women who experience assault.
  • Mental health conditions: According to studies, women are more likely than men to experience anxiety and depression. They also experience somatic complaints, which are symptoms that cannot be explained medically. Depression is the most common condition for women under 60. Providing mental health treatment to women diagnosed with depression reduces the rate of suicide.
  • Age: Older women generally don’t have health benefits or pensions to fall back on. The lack of benefits stems from the number of women working in the home instead of having a formal career. Conditions like dementia can lead to more women being abused, and age can cause women to be less healthy in general. 

Capital Women’s Care can Help Treat Your Conditions.

Capital Women’s Care Rockville has experience with screening, prevention, and treatment of the conditions women face. Many conditions can be cured if treated early, and we strive to ensure our patients are as healthy as possible. Call us for screening or treatment today.

In service in Montgomery since 1987, Capital Women’s Care in Rockville, MD is part of an expansive network of clinics providing women’s health care in Washington D.C., Maryland, Virginia, and Delaware. Our patients get the benefit of an immense amount of experience provided by some of the most respected women’s healthcare providers in the area.

In service in Montgomery since 1987, Capital Women’s Care in Rockville, MD is part of an expansive network of clinics providing women’s health care in Washington D.C., Maryland, Virginia, and Delaware. Our patients get the benefit of an immense amount of experience provided by some of the most respected women’s healthcare providers in the area.