Often your pediatrician will provide care for young women. If there is a gynecologic concern about your daughter, we would be happy to discuss those issues with you both. In general, it is recommended that young women begin routine GYN care by 18. They will be seen earlier for problems or concerns. Visits for younger patients may not involve a pelvic exam unless there is a specific problem requiring an internal exam.
We will respect your daughter’s wishes about whether or not she wants a parent in the room for the consultation and exam. It is an important part of her developing a personal relationship with her gynecologist. The State of Maryland allows girls under the age of 18 access to medical care for pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases without parental consent. For all other gynecologic care, parental consent is required at the time of the visit. Please see consent form under “Forms”.
- P: (301) 762-5501
- F: (301) 309-8727
- Mon - Thurs: 8 am - 5 pm / Fri: 8 am - 3 pm